Thursday, December 29, 2005

FOREX trading in the end of 2005.

Well I guess it is time for my obligatory monthly post. I haven't been doing a whole lot lately. I have been studing electronics and contemplating setting up my electronics workbench. And, I have been trading FOREX (foreign currency) actively again, and doing much better since completely changing my trading style / philosophy on November 22, 2005. Unfortunately, about that time I gave power of attorney to a paid FOREX trading service, and they have lost 20% in the larger of my 2 accounts in less than a month. I pulled the plug yesterday. In my smaller account I made 150% over about 20 trades during that same time frame. Now to see if I can do it myself with the larger account as I will be shifting the funds into one account managed by myself. If anyone is interested in FOREX, is by far the best platform / company I have found to trade with.
I hope everyone has a great 2006!


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